LFG! Dead by Daylight
Pro tip, to avoid this site becoming a 'going live' link dropping zone, we have a go live button. Hit this before or during your live stream and we'll know from your posts as you'll have a little indicator around your profile pic. It looks nicer and it keeps the traffic running smoothly. Give it a go, after all your links are already on your profile ^.^

Also, don't forget to turn it back off when you're done 馃榾
Pro tip, to avoid this site becoming a 'going live' link dropping zone, we have a go live button. Hit this before or during your live stream and we'll know from your posts as you'll have a little indicator around your profile pic. It looks nicer and it keeps the traffic running smoothly. Give it a go, after all your links are already on your profile ^.^ Also, don't forget to turn it back off when you're done 馃榾