• Quote of the night: you have potential to do something good in your life, and in your self you just need to find what you are good at lay the blue paints on that idea or plan.
    Quote of the night: you have potential to do something good in your life, and in your self you just need to find what you are good at lay the blue paints on that idea or plan.
  • XP: 699
    Havent streamed in almost a month... these 60+ hour weeks are killin me!
    Havent streamed in almost a month... these 60+ hour weeks are killin me!
  • XP: 7041
    We are back and it is time for Big Sis of Horror demos! Tonight we have 6 up for judgement. Number 4 was brought to our attention by @funkyforest1 for their game God for a Day! Come watch it all go down here: https://twitch.tv/gothipire
    We are back and it is time for Big Sis of Horror demos! Tonight we have 6 up for judgement. Number 4 was brought to our attention by @funkyforest1 for their game God for a Day! Come watch it all go down here: https://twitch.tv/gothipire
  • XP: 699
    Good mernin yaw!
    Good mernin yaw!
  • Quote of the day: Keep on working on yourself whether it's your mental or physical, take time to dedication and make sure you are in a good space.
    Quote of the day: Keep on working on yourself whether it's your mental or physical, take time to dedication and make sure you are in a good space.
  • Reminder of the day: If someone is going through a difficult time in there life or day or in general be there for them cause you never know it could help them when they absolutely need it also you may not be able to solve the problems that go on but reminder take them in small amounts.
    Reminder of the day: If someone is going through a difficult time in there life or day or in general be there for them cause you never know it could help them when they absolutely need it also you may not be able to solve the problems that go on but reminder take them in small amounts.
  • Good morning message: Independents is very important know that you have to realize that you can something special with yourself and how you approach them keep your head up and don't rush things do it at your own pace.
    Good morning message: Independents is very important know that you have to realize that you can something special with yourself and how you approach them keep your head up and don't rush things do it at your own pace.
  • BENSON BOONE FOREVER AND A DAY REACTION | #bensonboone #beautifulthings
    BENSON BOONE FOREVER AND A DAY REACTION | #bensonboone #beautifulthings
  • Quote of the night: you will be okay you will have good days bad days, and uncertainty but know it's apart of life, and yes you will face obstacles along the way tell yourself that everything will be okay and get better for you.
    Quote of the night: you will be okay you will have good days bad days, and uncertainty but know it's apart of life, and yes you will face obstacles along the way tell yourself that everything will be okay and get better for you.
  • Mirage: The best legend in Apex Legends?
    Mirage: The best legend in Apex Legends?