The Captain has come a long way from the start of his journey. Along the way I have met a lot of really good people to help get me where I am at today... Although the journey is just beginning I am thankful for all of the Captain's Club and would like to tell you a little about my personal life. I am the last sibling from a family of 8 and I was born inside of a house, not a hospital. My real name is Michael but my friends call me Mike. I have worked since I was 16 and have never been out of a job until now, and I have many of you to thank for that choice I have made. I started streaming around 2 years ago on Mixer, but then once it shut down I switched to Twitch and have been on the platform for the last year and 3 months. I am 24 years old and have been through a lot for my age. I have been extremely poor and almost evicted, but also have had lots of money as a young teen and made dumb choices with it. Both worlds have taught me to always treat the people around you with the utmost respect, even if they haven't earned it first. I plan on working as hard as I can to build this Twitch channel from the ground up I am excited for what our future holds as a community!
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