I am a streamer, COD Comp player, 100+OLT Wins, $10k Earned.
  • Lives in Grizzly
  • From Middletown
  • Male
  • Duo
  • 01/12/1998
  • Followed by 57 people
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XP: 3605
My Goals:
Verified on GGs []
1k XP on GGs [x]
Brighter Idea Badge [x]
Cool Badges [x]
10 referrals []
100 Friends on GGs []
10k XP on GGs []
10 subs on twitch [x]
Staff on GGs one day []
My own badges [x]

This is my goal for this site and hope one day I can achieve them! I love this site!
My Goals: Verified on GGs [] 1k XP on GGs [x] Brighter Idea Badge [x] Cool Badges [x] 10 referrals [] 100 Friends on GGs [] 10k XP on GGs [] 10 subs on twitch [x] Staff on GGs one day [] My own badges [x] This is my goal for this site and hope one day I can achieve them! I love this site!
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