What is up everyone! 馃懆Age: 33 馃Height: 6'1" 馃КA little bit about my life: My life is a constant running around. I have my beautiful family, my job, my growing business, streaming, and everything in between. My beautiful family includes my spouse Christina, my two awesome kids Haley (older) and Shasta (younger) and our Pitbull Chica. Music: I'm a fan of damn near everything but modern rap some dubstep and some country. 馃摎Books I've read: All the Harry Potters, Of Mice and Men, Eragon, Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress, Lightning...and so many more 馃幃Games I play: I honestly play a little of everything: COD, LOL, APEX, Among Us, CS:GO, DBD, MTG, Rocket League, World of Warplanes, Fall Guys, Vampyr....and the list goes on and on! 馃懚Born: Born and raised in Oregon. 馃帠锔廤ork: My 9-5 is as a Software Developer. But honestly I found that while I love development, I HATE working in it at an enterprise level. I missed being around people! So I went and got my licenses in Financial Services and am building a business throughout the US on the side. I LOVE being there making plans to help families reach their goals and being the first one to call if something goes off the rails. To be an important part of families reaching their dreams....its amazing. But also being there if the worst was to happen, I am glad I can be there.
The Squad
Looks like Razazarak hasn't set their Squad yet.
  • XP: 55
    Hey everybody I am going LIVE in about 10 minutes to start work on @BeyondDre's tool for his Beyond The Redzone show coming up in a couple months. Better to get started early and work out the kinks than to start too late. I'll be in discord if you want to chat it up with me, have questions, or whatnot.

    Hey everybody I am going LIVE in about 10 minutes to start work on @BeyondDre's tool for his Beyond The Redzone show coming up in a couple months. Better to get started early and work out the kinks than to start too late. I'll be in discord if you want to chat it up with me, have questions, or whatnot. https://www.twitch.com/razazarak
  • XP: 55
    Im LIVE right now learning Unity!!

    Im LIVE right now learning Unity!! https://www.twitch.com/Razazarak
  • XP: 55
    We are learning more Unity on stream today. Nothing real exciting yet but would love to chat it up with you if you have a moment to jump in! https://www.twitch.com/Razazarak
    We are learning more Unity on stream today. Nothing real exciting yet but would love to chat it up with you if you have a moment to jump in! https://www.twitch.com/Razazarak
  • XP: 55
    Thank you so much for everyone coming in and hanging out with us while we tore apart a nerf gun, fixed it, and put it back together. that thing took 2 hours!!! Thank you @razor_567 for the resub, and @pyrolily and @harrison_music for the follows. You all are amazing!!! Also @ClyntHollows thank you for joining me in playing Ataraxia Eclipse (my first published game)!!! Glad you had fun my dude!
    Thank you so much for everyone coming in and hanging out with us while we tore apart a nerf gun, fixed it, and put it back together. that thing took 2 hours!!! Thank you @razor_567 for the resub, and @pyrolily and @harrison_music for the follows. You all are amazing!!! Also @ClyntHollows thank you for joining me in playing Ataraxia Eclipse (my first published game)!!! Glad you had fun my dude!
  • XP: 55
    So this evening I published Ataraxia Eclipse with a few updates that makes the game just a bit better. I hope you all get a chance to enjoy. Its short and sweet...and my first. Things only go up from here!!

    So this evening I published Ataraxia Eclipse with a few updates that makes the game just a bit better. I hope you all get a chance to enjoy. Its short and sweet...and my first. Things only go up from here!! https://sharemygame.com/@KevinFauver/ataraxia-eclipse
    Play Ataraxia Eclipse in your Browser | ShareMyGame
    This is a text-based adventure game. It's my first published game so it's not that large. Currently there are 5 endings, and its designed to seamlessly loop back to the beginning without a hard close to give you another chance to get another ending. Controls are simple: 1, 2, 3. Either on your keyboard or number pad. Follow me on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/razazarak
  • XP: 55
    Hey everyone!! I am so excited to announce that Ataraxia Eclipse has been completed and is currently hosted! If you are a Subscriber or Collaborator in my discord, you get first look! In about a week I will share with everyone else in the community. Its not the biggest or best game yet, but it was fun to make and the next ones will just be getting better. Now to move on to the next project and to get closer to "Bad Puppy"! Hope you all have a fantastic day!

    Hey everyone!! I am so excited to announce that Ataraxia Eclipse has been completed and is currently hosted! If you are a Subscriber or Collaborator in my discord, you get first look! In about a week I will share with everyone else in the community. Its not the biggest or best game yet, but it was fun to make and the next ones will just be getting better. Now to move on to the next project and to get closer to "Bad Puppy"! Hope you all have a fantastic day! https://sharemygame.com/@KevinFauver/ataraxia-eclipse
    Play Ataraxia Eclipse in your Browser | ShareMyGame
    This is a text-based adventure game. It's my first published game so it's not that large. Currently there are 5 endings, and its designed to seamlessly loop back to the beginning without a hard close to give you another chance to get another ending. Controls are simple: 1, 2, 3. Either on your keyboard or number pad. Follow me on Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/razazarak
  • XP: 55
    If you are a fan of wrestling and would be interested in joining/following a fantasy league, my friend Dre has started the Digital Wrestling Federation! Monday Night Mayhem. Come join us for fun!!!! Let everyone know that the champion Razazarak sent you.

    If you are a fan of wrestling and would be interested in joining/following a fantasy league, my friend Dre has started the Digital Wrestling Federation! Monday Night Mayhem. Come join us for fun!!!! Let everyone know that the champion Razazarak sent you. https://www.twitch.tv/beyonddre
  • XP: 55
    Hey all! I am live now on Twitch @ https://www.twitch.tv/Razazarak Come say hi!
    Hey all! I am live now on Twitch @ https://www.twitch.tv/Razazarak Come say hi!
  • XP: 55
    Hey what is going on everyone! Im new here on GG and looking forward to expanding my reach and getting to know all of you!! I do a bunch on my stream, but my most fun is hanging out with you in chat. Heres a clip of a recent stream thats...well its all hype. Looking forward to seeing you all in stream!
    Hey what is going on everyone! Im new here on GG and looking forward to expanding my reach and getting to know all of you!! I do a bunch on my stream, but my most fun is hanging out with you in chat. Heres a clip of a recent stream thats...well its all hype. Looking forward to seeing you all in stream!
  • XP: 55
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