I am a variety streamer that goes for FPS, Racing, and intellectual/strategic type of games. I enjoy playing with any of my viewers so come on by and say hi and ask to play.
- Lives in Virginia Beach
- From Minneapolis
- Male
- Solo
- 03/06/1987
- Followed by 26 people
Friends 13
- Did a shoutout video for a few streamers I watch @Twitchkatana1988, Tigerladybuns, xBlackHeartx429, and Flat_Battery
https://www.tiktok.com/@smokeysidttv/video/7019121653196066054?sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6889636684162827781&is_from_webapp=v1&is_copy_url=0Did a shoutout video for a few streamers I watch @Twitchkatana1988, Tigerladybuns, xBlackHeartx429, and Flat_Battery https://www.tiktok.com/@smokeysidttv/video/7019121653196066054?sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6889636684162827781&is_from_webapp=v1&is_copy_url=0 - Ive mentioned this on my Twitch a few times but I have a SUBtember Giveaway happening at the end of the month. The catch is you gotta come by and say hi and hang out for a bit to enter. Swing by my stream tonight and say hi and enter!! https://streamelements.com/smokeysid/giveaway/6145493291a1cda08c45217bIve mentioned this on my Twitch a few times but I have a SUBtember Giveaway happening at the end of the month. The catch is you gotta come by and say hi and hang out for a bit to enter. Swing by my stream tonight and say hi and enter!! https://streamelements.com/smokeysid/giveaway/6145493291a1cda08c45217b
- You just gotta wonder whats going on in my head....You just gotta wonder whats going on in my head....
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