Just a goober that loves her motorbike, cats, lifting weights and being especially bad at video games.
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Miss Werewolf
The Squad
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  • XP: 2055
    LFG! Halo Infinite
    Be mindful of what you post & how you choose to respond to people online. Things can easily be misread/misunderstood without tone & people can set the wrong image for themselves. Remember to be humble, because you never know what someone could be going through behind the screen.

    Be mindful of what you post & how you choose to respond to people online. Things can easily be misread/misunderstood without tone & people can set the wrong image for themselves. Remember to be humble, because you never know what someone could be going through behind the screen. https://www.twitch.tv/Zoveria
  • XP: 2055
    LFG! Halo Infinite
    Live now on Twitch playing Red Dead Redemption 2!!! There is a 100% chance of me tripping my horse over an object, tree or rock 😅😅 Come and join me on my first playthrough as a Cowboy!

    Live now on Twitch playing Red Dead Redemption 2!!! There is a 100% chance of me tripping my horse over an object, tree or rock 😅😅 Come and join me on my first playthrough as a Cowboy! twitch.tv/zoveria
  • XP: 2055
    LFG! Halo Infinite
    Spent the day o it enjoying the sun riding my R6 with some friends! How did you spend your Sunday?
    Spent the day o it enjoying the sun riding my R6 with some friends! How did you spend your Sunday?
  • XP: 2055
    LFG! Halo Infinite
    Where are my 25+ streamers at? What games from your childhood do you want to see remastered (and why is it Simpsons Hit n Run)?
    Where are my 25+ streamers at? What games from your childhood do you want to see remastered (and why is it Simpsons Hit n Run)?
  • XP: 2055
    LFG! Halo Infinite
    Never be afraid to turn something down if it doesn't serve you. Your time is valuable, don't feel compelled to say yes to something if you're stretching yourself thin and will be stressed or anxious. Do things that make you happy and give yourself time for self care.
    Never be afraid to turn something down if it doesn't serve you. Your time is valuable, don't feel compelled to say yes to something if you're stretching yourself thin and will be stressed or anxious. Do things that make you happy and give yourself time for self care.
  • XP: 2055
    LFG! Halo Infinite
    Are you a silent Lurker or Active Chatter? No matter which you are, BOTH are equally Valued, Appreciated and provide support to Streamers. Never feel guilty for the amount of time you can spend in someone's stream.
    Are you a silent Lurker or Active Chatter? No matter which you are, BOTH are equally Valued, Appreciated and provide support to Streamers. Never feel guilty for the amount of time you can spend in someone's stream.
  • XP: 2055
    LFG! Halo Infinite
    Discord Groups, F4F and “Support for Support” don’t work. Focus on creating content that provides VALUE to others. People are drawn to those who inspire them, not those who only support them under required conditions.
    Discord Groups, F4F and “Support for Support” don’t work. Focus on creating content that provides VALUE to others. People are drawn to those who inspire them, not those who only support them under required conditions.
  • XP: 2055
    LFG! Halo Infinite
    Don’t hoard information or tips to yourself. People are drawn to those who provide them value. The more closed off you are, the less people will think you’re genuine. Be a beacon for others who struggle to find the light.
    Don’t hoard information or tips to yourself. People are drawn to those who provide them value. The more closed off you are, the less people will think you’re genuine. Be a beacon for others who struggle to find the light.
  • XP: 2055
    LFG! Halo Infinite
    “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -  Ralph Waldo Emerson
    “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -  Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • XP: 2055
    LFG! Halo Infinite
    “Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” -  Margaret Mead
    “Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” -  Margaret Mead
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