Hey all! My name is Ali! Ive been playing games since i was a young kid on Windows 98, throughout my life, video games gave me comfort and escape in my darkest days. Trial after trial , games taught me you can always try again. Gaming has always part of me, even in my adult life where i know own an LLC for my content such as twitch since 2014. I am also one of the very few streamers with a Registered Trademark under their belt! Shoot me a message and say hi! I'm friendly!
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hey yall...
ya don't need to post your link!
there's a dope "going live" button that puts you on the feed & on the live stream page!
I wanna see memes!
I wanna see your set ups!
I wanna see your pets!
I wanna see what helps ya out when gaming or streaming cant!
People are going to care WAY more about your interests than your link. Sure post one every once in a while- maybe when you're doing an event. NUMBERS DONT LIE AND THIS IS WHAT THE "GOING LIVE BUTTON DOES" This is my last 30 days! Drop yours below if you've been using the button!
hey yall... ya don't need to post your link! there's a dope "going live" button that puts you on the feed & on the live stream page! I wanna see memes! I wanna see your set ups! I wanna see your pets! I wanna see what helps ya out when gaming or streaming cant! People are going to care WAY more about your interests than your link. Sure post one every once in a while- maybe when you're doing an event. NUMBERS DONT LIE AND THIS IS WHAT THE "GOING LIVE BUTTON DOES" This is my last 30 days! Drop yours below if you've been using the button!
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