XP: 1585
🎞️New tutorial for creators out there.🎞️

How to manage audio tracks and record just your camera along side what the viewers see. Using the built in audio tracks in OBS Studio and exeldro's Source Record plugin.

Additionally I provide instruction for ffmpeg tools to extract audio from the MP4 files in the case you use a software that cannot open multi-track audio.


#twitch #youtube #streaming
🎞️New tutorial for creators out there.🎞️ How to manage audio tracks and record just your camera along side what the viewers see. Using the built in audio tracks in OBS Studio and exeldro's Source Record plugin. Additionally I provide instruction for ffmpeg tools to extract audio from the MP4 files in the case you use a software that cannot open multi-track audio. https://youtu.be/6gdsNklPGZs #twitch #youtube #streaming