XP: 6261
We are live w/Night 3 of Scream Break! We have left the hotel into a really foggy area. It's got a light in the distance though, maybe we can go over there to see better? https://www.twitch.tv/frightagainstcancer
#getwet #horrorstream @StJudePLAYLIVE @GetWetSports @DeadbyDaylight @synicalxwraith
We are live w/Night 3 of Scream Break! We have left the hotel into a really foggy area. It's got a light in the distance though, maybe we can go over there to see better? https://www.twitch.tv/frightagainstcancer #getwet #horrorstream @StJudePLAYLIVE @GetWetSports @DeadbyDaylight @synicalxwraith