Second quick recap of the Second day of FTC vs. Microsoft preliminary injunction hearing as it was declared LUNCH TIME!

-FTC pressed again on both Nintendo and Bethesda narrative
-Mainly on Bethesda/ZeniMax acquisition, FTC tried to make it an evil assumption that it was a secret that Microsoft wanted to talk about already making games exclusive for Xbox, Spencer replied that it is normal that the conversation comes almost immediately after a major acquisition
-FTC pressed Spencer to admit that The Elder Scrolls VI is an Xbox exclusive, Spencer said that it was undetermined yet at this point but did recognize that he could have said yes on previous presentations that he currently doesn't recall if any.
-FTC brought Sony's concern of a degraded Playstation version after a platform-focus agreement is no longer possible as it is today and Spencer said that for reputation and financial reason, it is not possible to do that.
Second quick recap of the Second day of FTC vs. Microsoft preliminary injunction hearing as it was declared LUNCH TIME! -FTC pressed again on both Nintendo and Bethesda narrative -Mainly on Bethesda/ZeniMax acquisition, FTC tried to make it an evil assumption that it was a secret that Microsoft wanted to talk about already making games exclusive for Xbox, Spencer replied that it is normal that the conversation comes almost immediately after a major acquisition -FTC pressed Spencer to admit that The Elder Scrolls VI is an Xbox exclusive, Spencer said that it was undetermined yet at this point but did recognize that he could have said yes on previous presentations that he currently doesn't recall if any. -FTC brought Sony's concern of a degraded Playstation version after a platform-focus agreement is no longer possible as it is today and Spencer said that for reputation and financial reason, it is not possible to do that.