XP: 125
Who else here is a console streamer? Who else here does NOT have a pc or laptop? We as console streamers automatically have more disadvantages than people who have a computer. We can’t use overlays, have sound alerts among other things. So I’ve been trying to watch as many tiktoks as I can trying to find ways to make streaming easier. One thing I found was #combo
It’s a website that you log in with twitch. It automatically pulls up all your twitch clips. You can then choose the way you want it. Full screen with the blurred background or like a tiktok video size. You can even crop the camera and put it where you want it! It doesn’t have to be just for tiktok either. I actually post my clips to hover. But it’s a good way to get your twitch clips to your phone. After the clip processes you can even download them to your phone 馃檪
If you are a console streamer I hope this helps you.


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