XP: 245
What makes you hate yourself ?
Is it because you don't meet your own goals ? Don't get me wrong I love people that have high standards and goals but sometimes they're not looking for high standards/goals. They're looking for perfection in themselves.
You over estimate what you can do in a year. And under estimate what you could do in two or three decades, you've not been around long enough to have those two or three decades. So Give yourself time, and if you give yourself a lil love you'll find you have a lot to give.
What makes you hate yourself ? Is it because you don't meet your own goals ? Don't get me wrong I love people that have high standards and goals but sometimes they're not looking for high standards/goals. They're looking for perfection in themselves. You over estimate what you can do in a year. And under estimate what you could do in two or three decades, you've not been around long enough to have those two or three decades. So Give yourself time, and if you give yourself a lil love you'll find you have a lot to give.