Awesome stream last night guys, I got stuck but I will beat that chainsaw guy. I Raided a small streamer that never got a raid or more then 1 viewer and I'm so happy I can make someone day and give them encouragement to keep pushing to not give up on there dreams! Thank you everyone for always being so AWESOME!!!!!!!
#greasygamer #twtich #twitchStreamer #streamer #twitchAffiliated
#greasygamer #twtich #twitchStreamer #streamer #twitchAffiliated
Awesome stream last night guys, I got stuck but I will beat that chainsaw guy. I Raided a small streamer that never got a raid or more then 1 viewer and I'm so happy I can make someone day and give them encouragement to keep pushing to not give up on there dreams! Thank you everyone for always being so AWESOME!!!!!!!
#greasygamer #twtich #twitchStreamer #streamer #twitchAffiliated