XP: 3245
Are you someone that loves WarZone?
Do you dig competing in tournaments?
Are you someone that enjoys money?!

Well, RAWNationGG is presenting a Custom Duos WarZone Tournament this Friday on the 9th.

You have until 7PM CST on Thursday Night to get You & Your Duo signed up.

It's free to enter and the winning duo will receive a $100 ($50 Each) for their hard earned W!

If this is something you're about. Then head over to Discord.GG/RAWNation and get yourself signed up. It's something you're not going to regret!
Are you someone that loves WarZone? Do you dig competing in tournaments? Are you someone that enjoys money?! Well, [RAWNationGG] is presenting a Custom Duos WarZone Tournament this Friday on the 9th. You have until 7PM CST on Thursday Night to get You & Your Duo signed up. It's free to enter and the winning duo will receive a $100 ($50 Each) for their hard earned W! If this is something you're about. Then head over to Discord.GG/RAWNation and get yourself signed up. It's something you're not going to regret!