XP: 735
Im doing that thing where Im live and stuff!
Going back to some Genshin Impact! We're gonna do the weekly bosses, do the daily nonsense, and then get on with the story quests!
I wanna meet the Electro Archon already!!

#twitch #twitchstreamer #genshinimpact #weeb #bosses #ADHD #lootgrind #lgbtqia
Im doing that thing where Im live and stuff! Going back to some Genshin Impact! We're gonna do the weekly bosses, do the daily nonsense, and then get on with the story quests! I wanna meet the Electro Archon already!! #twitch #twitchstreamer #genshinimpact #weeb #bosses #ADHD #lootgrind #lgbtqia https://www.twitch.tv/hollowcipher