XP: 265
Would love to hear where the gaming lifestyle started for you guys.
I begin with my story.

My gaming journey started on my 4th birthday,
okay, a few days after to be honest.
I got an NES and Super Mario 3 as a birthday gift from my parents and I was so angry and sad.
I didn't wish for that, I wanted a sega mega drive.
I didn't play on it for a few days, it wasn't sonic on the screen, so instead my mother started to play, just to show me how much fun it was.
She played, played, and played.
3 days later we both were kind of glued in front of the tv.

That's my first gaming memory and my best memory of my mother.

Almost 30 years have gone and Super Mario 3 is still one of my favorite games.
Would love to hear where the gaming lifestyle started for you guys. I begin with my story. My gaming journey started on my 4th birthday, okay, a few days after to be honest. I got an NES and Super Mario 3 as a birthday gift from my parents and I was so angry and sad. I didn't wish for that, I wanted a sega mega drive. I didn't play on it for a few days, it wasn't sonic on the screen, so instead my mother started to play, just to show me how much fun it was. She played, played, and played. 3 days later we both were kind of glued in front of the tv. That's my first gaming memory and my best memory of my mother. Almost 30 years have gone and Super Mario 3 is still one of my favorite games.