What keeps you on twitch if you stream on there? Genuinely curious, I feel like I’ve stayed for the wrong reasons: super easy to setup and go live, easy monetization (even if I say I don’t like it I stayed cuz it and I’ll admit that) but with all the hate raid stuff going on but not much seems to be going on about it (could be wrong just haven’t seen much), and minor little things for me personally I’m not sure it’s the place for me. Plus exclusivity…come on, I know it’s been a thing but I still hate that ya know
What keeps you on twitch if you stream on there? Genuinely curious, I feel like I’ve stayed for the wrong reasons: super easy to setup and go live, easy monetization (even if I say I don’t like it I stayed cuz it and I’ll admit that) but with all the hate raid stuff going on but not much seems to be going on about it (could be wrong just haven’t seen much), and minor little things for me personally I’m not sure it’s the place for me. Plus exclusivity…come on, I know it’s been a thing but I still hate that ya know