XP: 2630
Good day everyone.

Just wanted to let anyone who may be interested know that provided nothing goes wrong (fingers crossed) this Saturday my stream will be a little different because it will be a #Dungeons&Dragons stream. My friends and I have played for probably 2 years now and have had some amazing moments so Im excited for the new chapter we are going to be embarking on.

We even have a wordpress site with lore and session recaps. The link attached is from my favorite session and have some great clips with it too.

Good day everyone. Just wanted to let anyone who may be interested know that provided nothing goes wrong (fingers crossed) this Saturday my stream will be a little different because it will be a #Dungeons&Dragons stream. My friends and I have played for probably 2 years now and have had some amazing moments so Im excited for the new chapter we are going to be embarking on. We even have a wordpress site with lore and session recaps. The link attached is from my favorite session and have some great clips with it too. https://castlesandcultists.com/2021/01/14/mini-session-05-ill-explain-later/