XP: 1145
One of those days when you finish your stream and just wonder... is this worth keeping up? I've been at this for like... 7 years now. I was SO CLOSE to partner around when the pandemic started, then been slowly drifting farther and farther away. But times when you feel like that, it helps to focus on the kind words people have shared with you and the things you HAVE accomplished. Negative stuff always seems to stick in your mind more than the rad things you've done. Anyway... cheers y'all. -sigh-
One of those days when you finish your stream and just wonder... is this worth keeping up? I've been at this for like... 7 years now. I was SO CLOSE to partner around when the pandemic started, then been slowly drifting farther and farther away. But times when you feel like that, it helps to focus on the kind words people have shared with you and the things you HAVE accomplished. Negative stuff always seems to stick in your mind more than the rad things you've done. Anyway... cheers y'all. -sigh-