I want off this roller coaster, so as I said my Monitor came while we were out, so we had to wait until tomorrow for the next delivery, I was angry but got to work putting my graphics card in. While installing the drivers something awesome happened, the delivery guy visited again with my screen! Awesome! Bit of setting up later and just have to plug the new screen into the second HDMI and... And... It doesn't fit. Fine I'll just swap the older screen to the second and use this in the first, ah! It fits, now to plug the old one in... Doesn't fit... Turns out the graphics card only has 1 HDMI port and 3 DP ports... I don't have any DP wires, and neither the monitor or the graphics card came with one, so now I have to buy one tomorrow. Back down to one screen and an oversized paperweight. I'm exhausted.
I want off this roller coaster, so as I said my Monitor came while we were out, so we had to wait until tomorrow for the next delivery, I was angry but got to work putting my graphics card in. While installing the drivers something awesome happened, the delivery guy visited again with my screen! Awesome! Bit of setting up later and just have to plug the new screen into the second HDMI and... And... It doesn't fit. Fine I'll just swap the older screen to the second and use this in the first, ah! It fits, now to plug the old one in... Doesn't fit... Turns out the graphics card only has 1 HDMI port and 3 DP ports... I don't have any DP wires, and neither the monitor or the graphics card came with one, so now I have to buy one tomorrow. Back down to one screen and an oversized paperweight. I'm exhausted.