XP: 345
Dying Light 2 takes what was established in the first game and expands and improves on it in almost every way.

There are some purists who won’t like the more exaggerated jumping abilities and more vibrant colour scheme, but for me, the slightly over the top look and feel has made it far more enjoyable.

#DyingLight2 @TechlandGames #zombies

Dying Light 2 takes what was established in the first game and expands and improves on it in almost every way. There are some purists who won’t like the more exaggerated jumping abilities and more vibrant colour scheme, but for me, the slightly over the top look and feel has made it far more enjoyable. #DyingLight2 @TechlandGames #zombies https://totalgamingaddicts.com/dying-light-2-stay-human-pc-review/