XP: 1164
Now here is the thing... With my 10-pull where I got Yae, I also managed to get a Diona too! But I pressed skip by accident when taking screenshot for Yae, so this is the only screenshot I could get of her...

#ShaZ2911 #ShaZ2911za #mihoyo #mihoyogenshinimpact #GenshinImpact #PrimoGems #Paimon #Wishes #Diona #Cryo #cryovision #cryobowuser #yae #YaeMiko #GuujiYae #Guuji #monstadtgenshinipact #monstadt #Inazuma #inazumagenshinimpact
Now here is the thing... With my 10-pull where I got Yae, I also managed to get a Diona too! But I pressed skip by accident when taking screenshot for Yae, so this is the only screenshot I could get of her... #ShaZ2911 #ShaZ2911za #mihoyo #mihoyogenshinimpact #GenshinImpact #PrimoGems #Paimon #Wishes #Diona #Cryo #cryovision #cryobowuser #yae #YaeMiko #GuujiYae #Guuji #monstadtgenshinipact #monstadt #Inazuma #inazumagenshinimpact