Keep up the hype with Starfield and this week Bethesda finally dropped an episode 2 of their documentary Into The Starfield which featured 8 seconds of gameplay.

Made For Wanderers documented our character's companion mechanics and a strong emphasis on the game's RPG elements that should please veterans and young players alike.

In the gameplay presentation, it was shown how it will be to interact with NPCs, join factions, and how your conversation can lead to different outcomes.

If a "due to current circumstances..." does not arise, the game should be released for PC and Xbox Series X on November 11.

#Bethesda #Starfield #Xbox
Keep up the hype with Starfield and this week Bethesda finally dropped an episode 2 of their documentary Into The Starfield which featured 8 seconds of gameplay. Made For Wanderers documented our character's companion mechanics and a strong emphasis on the game's RPG elements that should please veterans and young players alike. In the gameplay presentation, it was shown how it will be to interact with NPCs, join factions, and how your conversation can lead to different outcomes. If a "due to current circumstances..." does not arise, the game should be released for PC and Xbox Series X on November 11. #Bethesda #Starfield #Xbox