While officially those who received confirmation of participation in the Overwatch 2 PvP beta and that it will officially start on April 26, the truth is that two months before the new season of Overwatch League there are NO major sponsors.

A report by The Washington Post indicates that this is the effects of the labor scandal within Activision Blizzard and has hindered efforts to win strong corporate sponsorships.


#Overwatch2 #OverwatchLeague
While officially those who received confirmation of participation in the Overwatch 2 PvP beta and that it will officially start on April 26, the truth is that two months before the new season of Overwatch League there are NO major sponsors. A report by The Washington Post indicates that this is the effects of the labor scandal within Activision Blizzard and has hindered efforts to win strong corporate sponsorships. https://www.washingtonpost.com/video-games/esports/2022/03/17/owl-overwatch-2-league/ #Overwatch2 #OverwatchLeague
The Overwatch League returns with live events, but missing key sponsors
The league will reintroduce live events for the first time since the pandemic began in 2020.