XP: 1084
Broke out Super Mario Kart. Feeling like an #imposter after trying 100cc Flower Cup. Managed bronze. Then tried 150cc Special. Couldn't finish higher than last. Why are the Gophers jumping out of the water? #NotReadyYet #SuperMarioKart #SuperNintendo #SNES #RetroGamer https://c.tenor.com/d38AcAF-83QAAAAC/nintendo-yay.gif
Broke out Super Mario Kart. Feeling like an #imposter after trying 100cc Flower Cup. Managed bronze. Then tried 150cc Special. Couldn't finish higher than last. Why are the Gophers jumping out of the water? #NotReadyYet #SuperMarioKart #SuperNintendo #SNES #RetroGamer https://c.tenor.com/d38AcAF-83QAAAAC/nintendo-yay.gif