So I wrote a smaller review for the new #ZombieArmy4 DLC
I posted it in the Zombie Army Series group if you would like to read it. I will be updating it with more details when I finish the second part to the DLC.
So I wrote a smaller review for the new #ZombieArmy4 DLC I posted it in the Zombie Army Series group if you would like to read it. I will be updating it with more details when I finish the second part to the DLC.
Zombie Army Series
This group is for people who love and play the Zombie Army series! Campaign The games take place after world war 2. Hitler is now a zombie and the leader of an undead army. You travel through Germany to take care of him once and for all. Its not just basic zombies though. There are many elite and other kind of zombies like crawlers. It has easy, medium, hard, and nightmare mode. You can also play with friends up to 4 players total. The game has 9 or 10 maps and there's about 9-10 DLC maps. So there is a bit to this game. You can also find zombie hands and other collectables. Horde It has a mode which is a lot like call of duty zombies. However there is a way to escape the map. It shows up after you finish wave 12. It has random drops that have level 1-3 weapons. The higher the level the more attachments and upgrades they have. You will get waves of zombies including elites. There is always an ammo box that is free to use. You will also get all your health back at the start of each wave.