XP: 595
Hey everybody, I've been playing a lot of Star Citizen. For those of y'all that have been wanting to check it out, it's free to play until May 31st, and if you want some startup in game, use code STAR-Y353-7SP4. Also, I run an organization in game that is recruiting pilots of all roles.


And if you'd like to see gameplay, I usually stream Star Citizen.

Hey everybody, I've been playing a lot of Star Citizen. For those of y'all that have been wanting to check it out, it's free to play until May 31st, and if you want some startup in game, use code STAR-Y353-7SP4. Also, I run an organization in game that is recruiting pilots of all roles. http://wee.robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/rss13 And if you'd like to see gameplay, I usually stream Star Citizen. http://www.twitch.tv/revenant_variable