XP: 9130
LFG! Talk Shows & Podcasts
Twitch networking is similar to social media networking. You'll need to post compelling stuff, but you'll also need to look for great content to comment on and start conversations about.
Participate in the discussions of other streamers and share their posts on social media. Engage them in a dialogue. On your broadcast, give them shout-outs. Leave a comment on their blog. Just keep in mind that you must provide value in addition to all of this. You'll come across as a spammer if you're not providing something valuable or interesting, which is not how to acquire viewers on Twitch if you're trying to cultivate an audience that truly likes you.
Twitch networking is similar to social media networking. You'll need to post compelling stuff, but you'll also need to look for great content to comment on and start conversations about. Participate in the discussions of other streamers and share their posts on social media. Engage them in a dialogue. On your broadcast, give them shout-outs. Leave a comment on their blog. Just keep in mind that you must provide value in addition to all of this. You'll come across as a spammer if you're not providing something valuable or interesting, which is not how to acquire viewers on Twitch if you're trying to cultivate an audience that truly likes you.