So what happens when you mix a dork, an emulator that can do Windows 98, and random urge to re-live some childhood memories? You get tonight's stream where i'll be playing some old Windows 95/98 PC games!

(Also figured i'd take a different selfie for a change)

#twitch #ggsonly #gonnabehavingaball #heyifyouactuallypayattentiontothesehashtagssayhiinthecomments
So what happens when you mix a dork, an emulator that can do Windows 98, and random urge to re-live some childhood memories? You get tonight's stream where i'll be playing some old Windows 95/98 PC games! (Also figured i'd take a different selfie for a change) #twitch #ggsonly #gonnabehavingaball #heyifyouactuallypayattentiontothesehashtagssayhiinthecomments