• So the FaZe dude who liked my tweet is now been suspended by FaZe for a disgusting act on his half if this is true... I feel disgusted being happy he liked my tweet now.
    So the FaZe dude who liked my tweet is now been suspended by FaZe for a disgusting act on his half if this is true... I feel disgusted being happy he liked my tweet now.
  • As a Manchester United fan, waking up to hear the audio of what Mason Greenwood did to his girlfriend is beyond appalling. I am sickened and heartbroken that he is capable of such despicable acts. But this is why I live by the term "idolize no one." Just sick and disgusting, and words can't do it justice right now.
    As a Manchester United fan, waking up to hear the audio of what Mason Greenwood did to his girlfriend is beyond appalling. I am sickened and heartbroken that he is capable of such despicable acts. But this is why I live by the term "idolize no one." Just sick and disgusting, and words can't do it justice right now.
  • I am disgusting at this game
    EMGG fam come see me
    I am disgusting at this game [EMGG] fam come see me
  • XP: 115
    LFG! Valorant
    Rant: It's so disgusting how many trolls are in competitive games. And companies don't do anything really to stop it. You have the chat logs and nothing gets done
    Rant: It's so disgusting how many trolls are in competitive games. And companies don't do anything really to stop it. You have the chat logs and nothing gets done
  • XP: 1440
    Ok, so the new Dune movie was fucking awesome, sadly no visual of the third stage guild navigator, which I really wanted to see, Jason Momoa was awesome, somewhat apprehensive on hearing he was cast but he played beautifully, Josh Brolin was the perfect level of caring and intimidating for his part. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen played by Stellan Skarsgard was amazing, not quite as viscerally disgusting as the original, but still disgusting and horrible on the inside, where it counts. The Beast Rabban played by Dave Bautista was incredible, they toned down the oafish stupidity and went into the hulking brute archetype which bautista performed excellently. Zendaya sadly didnt get enough screentime for me to give an accurate judgement, but she seemed pretty good for the role But she will likely have a much expanded role in part 2, which is what a lot of reboot movies are doing these days, but I can see why they wouldnt want to pack everything as tightly as they did in the original, I do hope to see a cameo from Kyle MacLachlan in the second movie.

    Also, the sandworms were amazing.

    Ok, so the new Dune movie was fucking awesome, sadly no visual of the third stage guild navigator, which I really wanted to see, Jason Momoa was awesome, somewhat apprehensive on hearing he was cast but he played beautifully, Josh Brolin was the perfect level of caring and intimidating for his part. Baron Vladimir Harkonnen played by Stellan Skarsgard was amazing, not quite as viscerally disgusting as the original, but still disgusting and horrible on the inside, where it counts. The Beast Rabban played by Dave Bautista was incredible, they toned down the oafish stupidity and went into the hulking brute archetype which bautista performed excellently. Zendaya sadly didnt get enough screentime for me to give an accurate judgement, but she seemed pretty good for the role But she will likely have a much expanded role in part 2, which is what a lot of reboot movies are doing these days, but I can see why they wouldnt want to pack everything as tightly as they did in the original, I do hope to see a cameo from Kyle MacLachlan in the second movie. Also, the sandworms were amazing. PRAISE BE UNTO SHAI HULUD MAY HIS PASSING CLEANSE THE WORLD
  • Honestly need a break from twitter for a while the cancel culture and the way people treat each other is disgusting
    Honestly need a break from twitter for a while the cancel culture and the way people treat each other is disgusting
  • XP: 630
    Was in somebody's stream on YouTube and someone was just self promoting themselves in the chat. This is absolutely disgusting.
    Was in somebody's stream on YouTube and someone was just self promoting themselves in the chat. This is absolutely disgusting.
  • XP: 354
    LFG! Fortnite
    Late Night COD #Disgusting LOL
    Late Night COD #Disgusting LOL
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