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  • Editorial: Google surprisingly announced the EOL of Stadia
    I know I have been using a lot of EOL or End Of Life, which is a term officially used when a product or service will not be offered anymore. And I never imagined that Google surprisingly went to the EOL-ing Stadia just out of nowhere. And yes this news might feel like a little editorial feel so therefore I mark this as a Staff Article, because there are some things I want to actually say...
  • Editorial: If you were to ask me about this year’s The Game Awards
    You didn’t ask for it, I gave you either way and as I am currently restoring an old Xbox 360 that was given, I pretty much want to publish and have it on the record a quite summary of how I see things going on around The Game Awards and certain nominee for Game Of The Year that probably was in second place, but I guess,, we will never know. To be completely honest, I fell asleep sometime...
  • JohnReavesLive: Playstation Plus Game Leaks discussion
    Given it’s not an official list or Leak but it’s all we’ve got at the moment and I hope this is at the very least a sight of things to come! Editor Note: [JohnReavesLive] specify that tthe information included in this content is to be taken as grain of salt as this is more a leak than a rumor, but probably is safe that be prepared to be unprepared.
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