It was almost a year ago that Microsoft announced that all Xbox consoles from Xbox One to current Xbox Series S and X will gain a new User Interface and more in sync with Xbox as a platform and since, it was only for Xbox Ibisnder users since May of this year.

Now, the changes are being rolled out for everyone.

Calling it a new Xbox Home, Microsoft announced that the stable release of the new Xbox UI is based on all feedback from Insiders users and studying what players were using most on their home screen.

User should expect:

  • The movement of the Library, Microsoft Store, Game Pass, Search and Settings options to a quick access menu at the top of the screen
  • Putting recently played games and other content and apps towards the bottom of the screen, creating more space for a personalized background
  • The addition of an option to change the background to match the game being highlighted in the recently played list
  • The improvement of game discovery by introducing personalized lists of games curated for the player
  • Allowing players to pin favorite games, curated groups and system groups (like Quick Resume) to Home
  • An updated Friends & Community Updates row which helps players find what’s going on in their community
  • A Watch & Listen spotlight showing which media apps and content are available

Microsoft warned that gamers should have patience as the deployment began this week, but that some customers will need to wait a few weeks to get their hands on it because the deployment is by subsets and not a massive deployment.