The main weekend news of gaming was Dr. Disrespect’s Midnight Society first snapshot or how they call the first Alpha piece of the game that is no longer Project Moon, but Deadrop and reaction did not wait to bomb the social medias.

The game is now slated to be the next "the world's first vertical extraction shooter", which brought the immediate question that is the game no longer a Battle Royale.

Nevertheless, Midnight Society went ahead to present the promised first Snapshot that is payable for all the Variant Founder Pass that manage to claim via $50 on cash or crypto.

Zlaner's checking the game's Snapshot

The gameplay does not look that bad TAKING IN CONTEXT that this is NOWHERE the final product, but however, gamers took social media to complain that Dr. Disrespect in a sense, overhyped the Snapshot too much as the gameplay only simulated what could be the tutorial of the basics mechanics of the game.

While I do agree after watching footage from people playing the Snapshot, that maybe overhyping was not the best thing to do, but let's remember, it is an ALPHA and by being an alpha, the game does not look that bad if it is not the final product.

Talking about the final product, we got the notion that Deadrop’s final form is nowhere near close to launch and probably we can expect a development that can take between 2 to 3 years before hearing that we are close to launch.

Apparently the game is bound for Epic Games Store and it is interesting to see if Epic Games is an investor for Midnight Society to have the game a Epic Games Store exclusive.