I believe that this past weekend was a big opportunity to Twitch to reestablish connection with its streaming community after some difficult months with both competition and streamers unhappy.

In Paris, TwitchCon Paris 2023 took place and this was the main announcement from Twitch from a platform and tools perspective & pretty much what I found interesting as of course, I am broke as heck to even go to the physical United States… 

Personalize highlights for main page

One important aspect for a Streamer, specially those who are first building its community is to give a good first impression and beside a TRailer on a streamer's page, Twitch will allow you to chose highlights from clips taken off a stream and make a highlight intro video, specially to appeal a proper new follower/subscriber.

Another Stories clone… but it’s Twitch

While TikTok, YouTube Shorts and Meta’s Stories (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp) are not “friendly” concepts for live streaming, there is a need for content creation that is not limited to live streaming, so they need some VOD at hand.

Maybe tired of this being their weak point, 

Vertical Clips as an answer to TikTok

Next, is a scrollable feed in the Twitch app that shows users a personalized mix of Clips. Once this feed is rolled out, Twitch viewers will be able to discover clips from tons of streamers' channels, whether they're live or not. The Discovery Feed will launch later this fall.

Basically a direct jab for both TikTok and YouTube Shorts, who before Kick entered in the scene, have been a great headache for Twitch since a few years ago and didn’t help matters when there were times to do difficult announcements with already antagonized streaming communities.

Other updates includes Clip Editor to mobile and with an August update, it can support direct exports to TikTok,  new chat countdown timer to help you be awarded when an ad is coming and you can properly inform your audience, Shared Banned Info can now share on “WHY” a banned account was banned and Guest Star will win a “Streaming Together” mode, in which up to 5 streamers can stream independently one to another but the content will be “centralized” to help fairly captivate viewership.

If you gave up on Twitch, would this win you back despite all that has happened in the last few months?