Pending on being able to be sold itself to Microsoft, Activision Blizzard is making business as usual and took the opportunity to make their quarterly early reports and of course, Call Of Duty is leading some good news.

While the eyes of investors of Activision Blizzard are really on regulators around the world to give their respective thumbs up to allow Microsoft to buy the gaming conglomerate, the company releases its earnings.

As expectedly to be positive, the company reported net bookings totalling $1.83 billion with an eased expectation for Q4 including a slower end of fiscal year.

This number particularly included the net $1 billion sales of Call Of Duty Modern Warfare II remake that launched via massive preorders, but some eyes were caught when Activision Blizzard claimed that they are steady for a Premium launch next year, giving the sense that Activsiion will not take “a break” as it was strongly rumored.

Recap, as part of the internal reorganization within its 1st party studios, Activision planned to delay next main Call Of Duty game (main developer’s turn is now Treyarch) to 2024 and while the “premium for 2023” announcement caught many by surprised, Jason Schreier from Bloomberg have said that we should not our hopes to high.

Basically, Activision could just make a special edition including a massive expansion of the game but still will be Modern Warfare II Remake and not a new game, but not gonna lie, this will be a BIG first of Activision Blizzard and Call Of Duty in its history.