In a new episode of the eternal life series “Never Say Never”, another veteran of Capcom has left the company very silently and not with much detail if there is not going to be a comeback in the gaming world independently.

I am referring to Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, a veteran of Capcom since 1992 with many roles but he is mainly remembered as the producer of the Mega Man series game from Mega Man 5 and Capcom games like Project X Zone, Asura’s Wrath and others, have left the company.

Mega Man fan site Rockman Corner noticed a change on Tsuchiya’s Twitter page which states “graduated from Capcom”.

While this has the internet speculation, this is as much as it can be stretched factually unless Kazuhiro Tsuchiya himself addresses his exit from Capcom since as of the writing of this, he hasn’t publicly acknowledged people finding out.