Ever since it was revealed that Anthem was not aimed to be BioWare's next success, everything has been kind of bad news with some exceptions and unfortunately, we got a new set of bad news from Electronic Arts 1st party studio.

In a surprising blog post, BioWare confirmed that it will no longer work at the MMO Star wars: The Old Republic and works will be delegated to Broasword which ironically is not a Electronic Arts inner studios but have been associated with for a long time.

Unfortunately this will provoke layoffs as not ALL staff members can be transitioned to Broasword.

As for what’s next for BioWare, the studio confirmed that the entire focus are on their most successful franchise Mass Effects and Dragon Age, which the fourth main entry, Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is still on development and also, BioWare acknowledged that the next Mass Effect is in pre-production.

(Header picture is one of the concept of the Mass Effect game)