Evidently Amazon Game Studios gained some needed air with New World and being the exclusive publisher for the Western version of Lost Ark after some misses, most notably the failure of Crucible getting out of Beta just to be canceled.

But a report by Bloomberg probably confirms many’s suspicion that a bad management is the root of the problem, as Amazon Game Studios boss, Mike Frazzini, has notified employees that he will be stepping down soon as he wanted to focus on his family.

While Amazon did confirm the report, there are apparent details that his 13 years tenure was marked on inexperience and underestimating the gaming market in general.

There were times that he understaffed projects and some of them were tasked to have broad goals, including assigning teams to achieve results based on “trends” and a notable example of this, was the game known internally as Nova that ultimately, never made it out of development.

While it is not deniable that Frazzini had some success as maintaining certain stability to Amazon Game Studios to carry on, especially after failures, he was reportedly an executive hard to work with. 

All this because apparently, he did not see himself needing more experience with gaming industry in general and his resistance to listening to suggestions, even people with knowledge of the industry.

Only time would tell if this is the final step that Amazon needs to have Amazon Game Studios move more forward than backwards.

Amazon has yet to confirm who will be Mike Frazzini successor as of the writing of this.