While it has been a great trend of improvement by Twitch, maybe the trend ended with the Twitch Partners able to stream elsewhere after 24 hours of their initial content on Twitch and not too many are happy about it.

Twitch updated their FAQ today that includes the confirmation of the October 3th's Host mode removal.


And it is exactly what it means, Host mode and Chat command /host and the Autohost options will be removed forever from Twitch.

According to Amazon's streaming network, the decision was based on "feedback" of users that feel that autohosting are not fulfilling their needs and that the expectations were not matched, for whatever they mean with that.

Twitch claims that this scenario prevented streamers from actually growing but they decided 8 years later to reach this conclusion.

The host functionality will be substituted with "Suggested Channels", in a way that you can still help other streamers get some exposure via your channel if you happen to be bigger than the recommended channels.