While preparations are made and expectations with the PvP Closed Beta of Overwatch 2, Blizzard Entertainment wants the news to keep rolling and finally a new OVerwatch hero is at your consideration.

A new Damage Hero and the first black woman Hero for Overwatch will debut on Overwatch 2 and known as Sojourn, will be the first damage hero that have both worlds of hitscan and projectile.

According to an interview with developers with The Verge, Sojourn was already in the pipeline for quite some time and waited for Overwatch 2 to make her debut, instead of another expansion of the original fps game.

Here ability are official as this:

Rail Gun

Primary Fire: Rapid-firing projectiles that generate energy on impact

Secondary Fire: High-impact shot that consumes stored energy

Power Slide

Ground slide that can cancel into a high jump

Disruptor Shot

Launch an energy shot that slow and deals damage to enemies within it

Ultimate: Overclock

Railgun energy auto-charges for a short duration and charged shots pierce enemies

Her back story includes being a former Canadian military special forces, known by her real name as Vivian Chase and was tasked to be support for Overwatch and sometimes leading missions for them and apparently she was done with her service.

Apparently the reason she is now a OVerwatch 2 character is that she has returned as an official member of Overwatch.

Overwatch 2 will go into closed beta testing on April 26 on Windows PC and supposedly, people are already receiving confirmation of participation…minus mine…