Yesterday, WB Games and Rocksteady Studios confirmed that we were getting news today about Gotham Knights, the continuation of Batman Arkham series minus Batman (hope not) and it was fullfilled with a sour surprise for those who have not moved next-gen yet.

When Gotham Knights was announced and afterwards came its first delay notice, some expected that development was in a little trouble.

Suspicious now can turn to speculation as Rocksteady confirmed that Gotham Knights now is bound for Playstation 5 and Xbox Seres S/X besides PC, effectively, no longer coming to PS4 or Xbox One as a way “to provide players with the best possible gameplay experience”.

Nevertheless, the good news is that the game will not be further delayed and it is expected to launch on October 25th of this year.

As you can see above, the 13 minutes gameplay footage above showcase the mechanics of fighting and investigating with Nightwing and Red Hood, who will also be joined by Batgirl and Robin (young Tim Drake) as Gotham City became lawless and crime all-time high due the lack of Batman and Commissioner Gordon.