While iot is not official and doing again an exception on posting about rumors, it seems that if you are in the market to upgrade or build a new PC, you shouldn't let year 2022 end without buying them or a whole PC in general and if Intel Core will be your preferred CPU.

A Nikkei report states that Intel could answer inflation and the on-going semiconductors shortage by applying an increase on its processors prices, as high as 20% of today's prices as a worst case scenario.

According to the report, Intel has already notified OEM customers and investors during their Q1 2023 fiscal year reports while prices are not exactly final.

Unfortunately this news comes at a unusual time when PC is decline rather than increase as the pandemic and the resurgence of remote work has been a main reason that PC was the most purchase item during the two years period that we have been since COVID-19 leaved to be China's exclusive problem in late 2019.

The cascade effect is that this affects the end sales price for customers and even with semiconductor shortage reaching an ending phase, 2023 doesn't seem to be a reassuring year.

Source: Nikkei